Our Story

Our story began in a small home on an organic farm in rural Metchosin, BC when two family members were diagnosed with cancer.
We started to consider our daily actions and the soap we were using to shower and wash our hands with came to mind immediately. We were alarmed to discover that the well-known commercial brands we had always used and trusted were full of parabens and phthalates that reportedly cause cancer growth. We disposed of it all and started handcrafting our very own products that we knew we could trust.
After researching many different oils, we decided to use olive oil at the heart of our formula instead of palm oil. Palm oil is the most common oil used in soap-making due to its low price, but it comes with a cost to the environment. Olive oil carries a much higher price tag, but it's important to us to match our soap-making to our values. By using olive, coconut and avocado oils, we're choosing to offer our customers a superior product and keeping the planet in mind.
We thoroughly tested our soap and bath products on family and friends, and they loved them. Soon we started selling our products to small gift shops and then grocery stores. The feedback from our customers was extremely positive. We quickly had customers that proclaimed they would never use another soap and that ours had truly changed their lives. We even had customers driving from Comox to Victoria to buy our soap, stating that it was the only soap to clear up their eczema and psoriasis.
Our soap company has over 25 different varieties of soap, including some that change seasonally. The rich, creamy lather and moisturizing qualities of our olive oil soap utterly set us apart from any other.